Parents’ Ultimate Guide to Using ChatGPT



This guide explores the top 10 ways to use ChatGPT in everyday parenting. Artificial intelligence (AI) is making work easier and more efficient in many jobs, so why not parenting too? We’ve curated a list of the most impactful ways AI can assist parents, including some of our personal favorites that we use in our family.

This guide is designed to benefit a wide range of parents. From new parents seeking guidance and tools to navigate the early months with ease, to seasoned parents in search of fresh activity ideas, to those facing challenges and considering a novel approach for solutions — this guide offers insights for everyone.

Let’s dive in to the best ways parents can use ChatGPT!

1. Get personalized advice & recommendations for whatever challenges parenthood throws at you.

By far the best way to use ChatGPT is to get tailored advice based on the unique attributes of your child and your particular circumstances. By feeding specific information into the model, you can receive insights that fit your child’s age, interests, and challenges. From handling temper tantrums to encouraging positive behavior, AI becomes an accessible, responsive tool for any parenting challenge.

This saves a lot of time and hassle compared to reading multiple blog posts and forums in search for relevant answers. The conversational style also nicely mimics getting advice from a trusted friend or family member.

Example Prompts:

  • “My 4-year-old won’t eat vegetables. How can I encourage him?”
  • “My daughter is having trouble making friends at her new school. What can I do to help?”
  • “How can I help my 2-year-old overcome separation anxiety?”
  • “How can I make homeschooling more engaging for my 5-year-old?”
  • “What should I do if my child bangs his head during a tantrum?”

2. Create bedtime stories that your child loves and that teach a lesson.

ChatGPT can help craft bedtime stories that captivate your child’s interest and spark their imagination. Whether your little one loves princesses, dinosaurs, or adventures in space, it can spin a tale that keeps them engaged, encourages a love for reading, and helps establish a regular bedtime routine.

One extra tip that we’ve been using in our family is to include a relevant moral to the story. This is a more effective way to teach our almost-3-year-old son valuable lessons like sharing, showing empathy, and refraining from throwing than simply telling him.

Example Prompts:

  • “Create a story about a little girl who travels to the moon.”
  • “I need a story about a mischievous monkey for my toddler.”
  • “My child is scared of the dark. Can you create a comforting bedtime story?”
  • “Create a story about a boy who loves monster trucks and who learns the value of honesty.”
  • “What’s a good bedtime story to teach my child about sharing?”

3. Get nutritious meal plans based on your pantry & child’s preferences.

Struggling with meal ideas? Generative AI can assist in creating healthy, delicious meal plans based on what you have in your pantry and your child’s likes and dislikes. Whether dealing with a picky eater or looking for creative ways to introduce new foods, ChatGPT can take the guesswork out of meal planning.

Example Prompts:

  • “I have carrots, chicken, and rice. What’s a kid-friendly recipe I can make?”
  • “My child loves apples but hates greens. Can you suggest a nutritious meal?”
  • “What are some healthy snack ideas for a picky eater?”
  • “How much food should my 3 year old be eating each day?”
  • “Please plan a week of vegetarian meals that are high in protein.”

4. Learn about a new topic without all the hassle.

Whether it’s understanding the latest educational techniques, getting up to speed with how to care for a newborn, or learning about a hobby your child has taken an interest in, ChatGPT can provide a quick, detailed overview. It saves time and effort on your part and can even aid in fostering meaningful discussions and activities with your child.

Example Prompts:

  • “Tell me about Montessori learning techniques.”
  • “What do different color poops mean for newborns?”
  • “Explain the concept of growth mindset for kids.”
  • “What is positive parenting with examples?”
  • “Please summarize the most popular parenting methodologies.”

5. Weigh pros and cons to make decisions with confidence.

Parenting involves making countless decisions, large and small, every day. AI can provide a balanced view on various subjects, helping you weigh the pros and cons and make informed decisions that feel right for your family.

Example Prompts:

  • “Should I let my teenager have a social media account and why?”
  • “What are the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling?”
  • “What are the pros and cons of using a reward system for good behavior?”
  • “Is it better to give an allowance or tie money to chores?”
  • “What are the pros and cons of having children share a room?”

6. Keep track of upcoming milestones and learn how to support your child.

From tracking your baby’s developmental milestones to understanding what to expect as your child grows, ChatGPT can provide a wealth of information. With this knowledge, you can better support your child’s development and identify any areas where they might need extra help.

Example Prompts:

  • “What developmental milestones should a 1-year-old reach?”
  • “How can I support my child starting kindergarten?”
  • “What language development milestones should a 2-year-old hit?”
  • “Please give examples of physical milestones for a 6-month-old baby.”
  • “How can I support my 4-year-old’s cognitive development?”

7. Discover fun and creative activities that promote learning.

ChatGPT can suggest age-appropriate activities that not only keep your child entertained but also promote learning and skill development. Whether it’s a rainy day craft, a backyard science experiment, or a fun game that teaches math, AI can be your go-to source for activity ideas.

Example Prompts:

  • “What are some easy science experiments for preschoolers?”
  • “Can you suggest a fun math game for my 7-year-old?”
  • “What are some fun outdoor activities for toddlers?”
  • “Please brainstorm creative craft ideas for my 5-year-old.”
  • “What are some fun indoor activities for a rainy day.”

8. Get product recommendations that your child will love.

From toys that boost cognitive development to books that inspire imagination, ChatGPT can suggest products that align with your child’s interests and developmental stage. This can save you time searching and ensure you’re choosing items that will be both fun and beneficial for your child.

Example Prompts:

  • “What are some STEM toys for a 4-year-old?”
  • “Can you recommend books for a 6-year-old who loves animals?”
  • “What are some age-appropriate board games for family game night.”
  • “Can you recommend outdoor play equipment for toddlers?”
  • “Please list the best books for a 10-year-old who likes adventure stories.”

9. Simplify planning with suggested routines & schedules.

Creating routines can bring a sense of security and predictability to a child’s life. AI can assist in establishing age-appropriate routines and schedules, whether it’s for a baby’s sleep, a toddler’s daily activities, or a kid’s homework.

Example Prompts:

  • “What should a healthy sleep schedule look like for a 2-year-old?”
  • “How should I structure a day of homeschooling for my 8-year-old?”
  • “Please generate a sample routine for a 1-year-old.”
  • “What is an effective bedtime routine for a preschooler.”
  • “Help me plan the transition from 2 naps down to 1 nap.”

10. Relieve stress and practice self care with personalized encouragement, coaching, and support.

Parenting can be rewarding, but it’s also challenging and stressful at times. ChatGPT can provide reassurances, offer stress-management strategies, and remind you that it’s okay to take care of yourself, too. While it can’t replace professional help, AI can be a readily available source of support.

Example Prompts:

  • “I’m feeling overwhelmed with balancing work and kids. Any advice?”
  • “What are some effective ways to manage stress as a parent?”
  • “How to handle mom guilt?”
  • “What are some self-care activities for busy parents?”
  • “Can you coach me to be more patient during tantrums?”

Get Even More out of ChatGPT with Bottell

Bottell is an AI-powered parenting assistant that leverages ChatGPT to give you personalized parenting help. It’s more effective than using ChatGPT alone because it’s built specifically for parents and offers features such as guided onboarding, child profiles, suggested questions, tutorials, and a personalized daily blog for your child.


Parenting is a beautiful, albeit challenging journey, one that brings new questions and dilemmas at every turn. If you’re anything like us, you need all the help you can get and AI holds immense potential for providing that help. Here’s to using new tools to navigate age-old challenges!

These are some of our favorite ways to use ChatGPT in our family — what are yours?



Bottell, Your AI Parenting Assistant

Built by parents, for parents. Bottell gives you personalized parenting advice and a daily blog with tips and recommendations, written just for your child.